Archive for the tag 'Postgresql'



May 16 2021

MySQL / PostgreSQL on iSCSI Fail to Start at Boot

Published by under Linux,Mysql,Postgresql

You are hosting Mysql or PostgreSQL data directory on iSCSI disks but the service fails to start at server’s boot. The service does not find the directory. However, you can start the service manually if you log on the server once SSH is available. These are logs for Mariadb but they would be similar for […]

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May 11 2013

Freeradius Usage Graphs

Published by under Freeradius

Radius servers generate a lot of accounting records. Is it worth keeping them? Of course! Beside the fact they could be used to check if a customer was connected at a given date, or find out who got IP address X.X.X.X that same day, the most interesting is to generate Freeradius traffic usage graphs and […]

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May 07 2007

Mysql or Postgres for Freeradius?

Published by under Freeradius,Mysql,Postgresql

We are not trying to build a full comparative of Mysql and Postgresql in this article. This subject has been discussed many times and everyone has his own opinion on this. Some directions may be given and only a few critirias will be analysed to be used with Freeradius. Criteria If we check what’s already […]

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