Archive for the tag 'Certificate'



Oct 09 2021

Auto Renew LetsEncrypt Certificates on Kubernetes

Published by under Kubernetes

Install cert-manager Cert-manager comes as a Helm chart with its own custom resources you can install on your Kubernetes cluster. It helps certificates automation, renewal and management. It is a MUST have when you deal with certificate providers who offer APIs that let you automate these processes. On the side, you’d better renew LetsEncrypt certificate […]

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Sep 24 2016

Reuse PFX Exchange / IIS Certificate on Apache Web Server

Published by under Apache,Exchange,Mail

While generating a Microsoft Exchange (or IIS web server) certificate, take the opportunity to add extra domain names and reuse it on Apache web servers. This will save you a few bucks and time, unless the CA provides a certificate for multiple platforms. PFX is a popular exchange format on Microsoft software such as Exchange […]

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