Jan 22 2009
How to Add a Permanent Static Route in AIX 4.3
To add a permanent static route in AIX, add the route command in the startup file /etc/rc.net:
AIX Server.root / $ route add -net -netmask

or use Smitty, AIX text interface to perform global system management (preferred):
AIX Server.root / # smitty
-> Communications applications and Services
-> Further Configuration
-> Static Routes
-> Add a Static Route
Then type in the new static route settings.
Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
This will not persist upon reboot as the output to smit/smitty shows a route add:
The command /usr/sbin/route add -net -hopcount 0 -netmask 0xff000000 -static x.x.x.x
to persist a route, you must run chdev (or smitty chdev)
It did persist in my case (on AIX 4)
But thanks for the info, it might be helpful for some of us