Mar 25 2021
Free Gantt Charts Based on Time/Hours with Sparkline
I wanted to show the timeline of a disaster recovery plan on a Gantt style chart to make it look better than a boring list of tasks with start and end times, but I could not find any tool dealing with hours throughout a single day/24 hours.
Gantt software such as GanttProject also offer too many features that I don’t need just for a simple report. I decided to go for Sparkline function in Google Sheets: it is free, and remains quite easy even though it doesn’t work out of the box for hourly timelines. It is also available on Excel obviously.
What is Sparkline? Basically, Sparkline is a chart you embed in a single Excel (or other spreadsheet like Google Sheets) cell that gives you a trend. Bars chart are perfect for Gantt style timelines.
There is no min, and max works only for numbers in bars charts, this is why I created the 2 columns Start delay and Duration in minutes. Basic formulas based on the project and task start and end times fill them automatically
=HOUR(D5-$D$3)*60+MINUTE(D5-$D$3); Start delay
=HOUR(E5-D5)*60+MINUTE(E5-D5); Duration
Sparkline cells are built from these 2 values; The first bar is white to start the coloured bar at the right place. Max value is the actual project duration
Could you please send me an example of the above file in Google Sheets? I would be very grateful! Thank you!
instead , i use \ and work well tnx…